Tuesday, October 30, 2012

6 months!

You know who is now sleeping through the night!  What an amazing feeling to get a good nights rest again.  It seems fast and slow to get to this point. Greyson has now started eating some jar food and oatmeal cereal as we phase him over to solids more.  So far he's tried:  pears, carrots, squash, apple and banana.  No teeth yet, but he's starting to crawl and sit up and enjoys his walker and new play pen.

3 - 5 Months

This little guy is growing so fast and we are enjoying every moment.  Greyson is a very happy baby and we affectionately call him Mr. Gigglebutts.



Day Thang Celebration

We celebrated Greyson or Quy's one month milestone at Simon and Vanessa's house.  With our parents and grandparent's travel from Kansas it was at the 6 week mark.  Here are the pictures of the event.  I loved all the special touches with Grandma and Mom's home cooking.  A big thanks to the Coopers for hosting again and Cindy and Toan for leading the Spring Roll bar! 

Click here:  Pictures of Day Thang




Monday, October 29, 2012

First 6 Weeks

Mark and I were very fortunate to have my mom come from Kansas to stay with us for the first 6 weeks.  I was still recovering and learning to breastfeed and pump so the extra pair of hands was invaluable.  Having my dad around was also fun too.  We all enjoyed the family dinners together and towards the end dad was even feeding Greyson.  It was strange being off work for so long (first time I was off for over 2 months since I started working) but I enjoyed spending every day with my parents and Greyson.  Mark only got to take 1 week off, but we kept him updated with pictures throughout the day and he spent the evenings and weekends catching up.

He looks so peaceful sleeping.
Daddy helping with tummy time.

Tummy Time!

Two weeks and growing.

Grandma spoiling Greyson.

Lots of snuggling.

Looking out the window.

Looking at Aunt Cindy.

Gloves are a must since he kept scratching his face.

One of Mom's many meals and Cindy and Mom taking a break from baby duty to enjoy a cold one.